ماء الذهب

ماء الذهب

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أول مطبعة عربية في اسطنبول
With great power, comes great responsibility.
Maa-Althahab Company is a member of Al Mas-
moum Group; a family owned business specializ- ing in perfumes, deodorants, hair care products, makeup and accessories.

Mr. Abdul Hadi Masmoum, the company’s chair- man, started Maa-Althahb in 2006 to develop a new concept of chic and elegant perfume that of- fers customers a unique journey into experienc- ing the art of creating personalized fragrance.

For the past 10 years, our main goal has been to develop a strong franchise system around the
world by maintaining the high standards of pro- fessional performance and service excellence needed in the perfume industry. Therefore, the company is one of the fastest growing perfumery chains in the Middle East and Africa with over 110 shops.

In 2015, Maa-Althahab moved their head o ce to Istanbul and opened several shops in Turkey with future plans to expand in more European countries.

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